Band Calf Raise
Isolation exercise, Body weightOverview

Main muscles
- Lower leg: Anterior tibial muscle
(Musculus tibialis anterior) - Lower leg: Long toe extensor
(Musculus extensor digitorum longus)
Training plans
Band Calf Raise is a suitable substitute for similar exercises in or as a supplement to various training plans.
Band Calf Raise: Basics and alternatives

Involved main muscle groups:
Band Calf Raise
A great isolation exercise for working your calves at home is the Band Calf Raise. To do this exercise, stand on a fitness band and follow the typical calf raise motion while keeping the band under tension. Lift and lower your body by extending and flexing your ankles.
One benefit of this exercise over seated variations is the increased muscle stimulation of all lower leg muscles while standing.
Alternatively, you can also perform calf raises with dumbbells or barbells. In the gym, you usually have the option to do calf raises on a machine.
Correct Execution
Depending on the type of fitness band you use, you can slightly vary the exercise, especially the arm position. Hold short fitness bands with handles, keeping your arms extended at your sides. For longer therapy bands, hold them next to your shoulder with bent arms.
You can also change where you place the fitness band under your feet, altering the muscle stimulation. By standing with your toes on the band and securing it in each position of the movement, extending your ankles becomes more challenging. Positioning the band closer to your heels allows it to move with you, providing a relatively even load throughout the movement.
Video Tutorial
Step-by-Step Instructions
Stand with an upright posture, slightly narrower than shoulder-width apart.
Place the fitness band in the middle of your forefoot. Firmly hold the two ends in your hands.
Depending on the length and resistance of the fitness band, hold the ends next to your hip or shoulder (or somewhere in between).
Straighten your back, with a slight arch. Gently pull your shoulder blades together. You’re now in the starting position.
Raise your heels and stand on your forefoot. The band remains securely fixed under your feet. Lift your body against the band’s resistance by extending your ankles. Keep your knees and back straight during the movement. Extend your ankles as far as possible without discomfort. Hold the position briefly, then lower your body back to the starting position.
Common Mistakes
Sometimes, people attach the fitness band to regular household objects (e.g., radiator, door, etc.). While this may work, it’s best to avoid it, as the high tensile forces can be too much for these objects, causing them to break. In the worst case, the band could snap back onto your body.
Also, always wear shoes during training to prevent the fitness band from cutting into the soles of your feet.