
When you engage in physical activity, your body experiences higher levels of stress than normal. As a result, it might be beneficial to incorporate additional supplements into your routine to aid in your training and muscle development. In the following section, we’ll discuss some key supplements to consider.

Hair loss from creatine?

Estimated reading time: 3:48 min.

Time and again, people taking creatine report increased hair loss in the short or long term. For a while, there wasn’t any solid evidence linking creatine intake to hair loss. Personal experiences were often chalked up to intense workouts and related hormone changes. A 2009 study suggests that there could be a causal relationship, and that creatine may indirectly cause increased hair loss. Study: Creatine changes hormonal balance in favor […]


Estimated reading time: 3:54 min.

Creatine, or methylguanidinoacetic acid, is a substance derived from amino acids arginine, glycine, and methionine. It’s formed in the liver, kidneys, and pancreas, with the daily amount estimated to be around 1 gram. Creatine is mainly found in meat and fish, less so in milk, and barely in fruits and vegetables. Basics Creatine is one of the most extensively researched supplements. Nearly 12,000 publications on PubMed are related to “Creatine […]