Seated Good Mornings
Isolation exercise, Free weightsOverview

Main muscles
- Buttocks: Large gluteus maximus
(Musculus gluteus maximus) - Back: Back extensor
(Musculus erector spinae)
Seated Good Mornings: Basics and alternatives

Involved main muscle groups:
Seated Good Mornings
Good Mornings are an exercise that helps you train your lower back, butt, and hamstrings. The seated version focuses more on the lower back (Musculus erector spinae) and minimizes the involvement of the other two muscle groups as much as possible. Only the butt (Musculus gluteus maximus) remains slightly activated.
This turns the compound movement of the regular Good Mornings into an isolation exercise. The movement is still quite similar to the standing version: While sitting, you bend your upper body forward with a barbell resting on your neck and raise it again.
Compared to standing Good Mornings, the bending radius is smaller in the seated version. Since you’re sitting, you can’t bend your upper body as far forward, which also puts less strain on your back extensor.
As an alternative isolation exercise for the back extensor, you can also perform seated back extension on the machine. The machine’s guidance makes it easy to maintain proper form, and the potential for error is low.
Correct Execution
Before you perform seated Good Mornings, first try the exercise without a barbell or additional weight. Only when you’ve mastered the movement, gradually add more weight.
To prevent the bar from pressing uncomfortably against your neck during the workout, you can wrap a towel around the bar or use a suitable neck pad.
Video Tutorial
Step-by-Step Instructions
The barbell is in the rack. Stand underneath so that the bar touches the middle of your neck. Place both hands firmly on the barbell.
Lift the barbell out of the rack by standing fully upright and then sit on the flat bench. Your legs are spread, and your feet are firmly on the floor.
Form a slight hollow back and otherwise straighten your back.
Now bend your upper body forward with a straight back. The movement comes from your hips. Your back should not arch and must remain straight. How far you bend forward depends on your anatomy. Initially, you won’t be able to bend that far, but as the workout progresses, you can usually lower your torso further. In any case, stop the movement either before your posture becomes awkward or when you feel pain (or significant pressure in the abdominal area).
Slowly and in a controlled manner, straighten your upper body again.
Common Mistakes and Injuries
As with the standing version, it’s especially important to keep your back straight during seated Good Mornings. The range of motion is smaller, but you should never arch your back.
Keep your back straight throughout the exercise, with a slight hollow back. Arching your back stresses the intervertebral discs and can even result in injuries.