Banded Good Mornings

Compound exercise, Free weights




Required equipment

Main muscles

  • Thigh: Thigh flexor
    (Musculus biceps femoris)
  • Buttocks: Large gluteus maximus
    (Musculus gluteus maximus)
  • Back: Back extensor
    (Musculus erector spinae)

Workout plan

Here you can find example plans for banded good mornings training:

Banded Good Mornings: Basics and alternatives

: Involved main muscle groups Banded Good Mornings

Involved main muscle groups:
Banded Good Mornings

Banded Good Mornings are some of the best exercises you can do at home. They let you target the lower back, which can be tough to isolate, without too much effort. The movement is similar to the barbell variation: You stand upright and bow with a straight back. The resistance band provides the necessary tension that activates your back extensor (erector spinae muscle).

In bodybuilding, Good Mornings is a more challenging exercise because the barbell rests on your neck, making it crucial to have the right form when training. Even with the resistance band, this requirement doesn’t change, so it’s essential that you maintain proper back posture during this exercise.

For slightly easier alternatives, you can try lying back extension or hyperextension on the bench. Both exercises can be done at home too.

Correct Execution

To effectively perform Good Mornings with the resistance band, it’s important to choose the appropriate length or resistance. You can do the exercise with a closed band or an open band. When raising, the band should provide enough tension to activate the lower back as much as possible. In the following, the execution with the closed band is described.

You can also choose from two different workout variations: Either perform Good Mornings with straight legs, or bend your knees slightly during the bow to engage the hamstrings (rear thigh) and the butt more strongly.

Video Tutorial

Banded Good Morning

Step-by-Step Instructions

Stand upright, hip-width apart, and place the resistance band centered under your feet.

Squat down, raise the band above your head, and place it on the back of your neck. Now, when you stand back up, the band is placed around your neck and runs down the front of your body to your feet. Place your hands on the resistance band just below your shoulders.

Keep your back straight and form a slight hollow back. Don’t arch your back.

Bow by lowering your upper body forward with your back stretched out. Stick your butt out.

At the same time, bend your knees a little. Bend your knees only so far that your thighs aren’t parallel to the floor.

Try to bow forward until your upper body is parallel to the floor. Only go as far as you can without compromising your balance. As your training progresses, your range of motion will increase over time.

Straighten your upper body and extend your knees (remaining with a slight bend).

Common Mistakes

Your back must stay straight throughout the exercise, with a slight hollow back to relieve pressure on your lower back. Never arch your back and bend over during Good Mornings with resistance bands. With incorrect posture, the training effect disappears, and your intervertebral discs are put under enormous strain. So, it’s crucial that you pay attention to proper execution.