4-day split

With the 4-day split, exercises are spread across four days, resulting in a higher training volume per session and muscle group compared to the 3-day split. A key advantage of the 4-day split is how it distributes major muscle groups over individual days.
This split is recommended for advanced athletes, while beginners should steer clear. Typically, a smaller training stimulus is enough for beginners to stimulate muscle growth. Plus, they need to strengthen tendons, ligaments, and auxiliary muscles before significantly increasing their training volume.
The 4-day split generally follows this weekly schedule:
- Monday: Day A exercises
- Tuesday: Day B exercises
- Wednesday: Rest day
- Thursday: Day C exercises
- Friday: Day D exercises
- Saturday: Rest day
- Sunday: Rest day
4-Day Split Example Plan
Below, you’ll find the exercises for the 4-day split, divided by muscle groups over four days. In the next section, we’ll offer additional recommendations, so you can swap out the exercises listed here for more variety.
Day A
Exercise | Main muscle group | Sets | Repetitions |
Bench press | Chest | 3 | 10 / 8 / 6 |
Dips | Chest | 3 | 10 / 8 / 6 |
Flyes | Chest | 3 | 12 / 10 / 8 |
Dumbbell bicep curls | Biceps | 3 | 10 / 8 / 6 |
Cable bicep curls | Biceps | 3 | 10 / 8 / 6 |
Machine bicep curls | Biceps | 3 | 10 / 8 / 6 |
Sit-ups | Abdominals | 3 | 20 |
Crunches | Abdominals | 3 | 20 |
Day B
Exercise | Main Muscle Group | Sets | Repetitions |
Squats | Thighs | 3 | 10 / 8 / 6 |
Leg Press | Thighs | 3 | 10 / 8 / 6 |
Leg Extensions | Thighs | 3 | 10 / 8 / 6 |
Standing Calf Raises | Calves | 3 | 15 |
Seated Calf Raises | Calves | 3 | 20 |
Day C
Exercise | Main muscle group | Sets | Repetitions |
Shoulder Press | Shoulders | 3 | 12 / 10 / 8 |
Lateral Raises | Shoulders | 3 | 12 / 10 / 8 |
Front Raises | Shoulders | 3 | 12 / 10 / 8 |
Triceps Pressdown | Triceps | 3 | 12 / 10 / 8 |
Triceps Kickbacks | Triceps | 3 | 12 / 10 / 8 |
Arnold Dips | Triceps | 3 | 12 / 10 / 8 |
Day D
Exercise | Main Muscle Group | Sets | Repetitions |
Pull-ups | Upper back | 3 | 10 / 8 / 6 |
Barbell Rows | Upper back | 3 | 10 / 8 / 6 |
Upright Rows | Neck | 3 | 10 / 8 / 6 |
Deadlifts | Lower back | 3 | 10 / 8 / 6 |
4-day split alternative exercises
You can perform the following exercises as alternatives to 4-day split.
Filter the exercises below by muscle group and difficulty.
Exercise | Main muscle group | Difficulty | Type of training |
Arnold Press | Shoulder training |
Medium |
Isolation exercise |
Back Extension | Lower back |
Medium |
Isolation exercise |
Banded Good Mornings | Lower back |
Hard |
Compound exercise |
Barbell Curls | Biceps training |
Easy |
Isolation exercise |
Barbell Front Raise | Shoulder training |
Easy |
Isolation exercise |
Barbell Row | Shoulder training |
Hard |
Compound exercise |
Barbell Shrugs | Neck training |
Easy |
Isolation exercise |
Behind-The-Neck Overhead Press | Shoulder training |
Medium |
Isolation exercise |
Bench Press | Triceps training |
Medium |
Compound exercise |
Biceps Curls | Biceps training |
Easy |
Isolation exercise |
Bicycle Crunches | Abs workout |
Medium |
Isolation exercise |
Cable Curls | Biceps training |
Easy |
Isolation exercise |
Cable Deadlift | Lower back |
Hard |
Compound exercise |
Cable Lying Knee Tucks | Abs workout |
Medium |
Isolation exercise |
Cable Shrugs | Neck training |
Easy |
Isolation exercise |
Chest Press | Middle chest |
Easy |
Isolation exercise |
Close-Grip Bench Press | Triceps training |
Medium |
Compound exercise |
Concentration Curls | Biceps training |
Easy |
Isolation exercise |
Crunches | Abs workout |
Easy |
Isolation exercise |
Deadlift | Thigh training |
Hard |
Compound exercise |
Decline Bench Press | Lower chest |
Medium |
Compound exercise |
Decline Dumbbell Bench Press | Lower chest |
Medium |
Compound exercise |
Decline Sit-Ups | Abs workout |
Easy |
Isolation exercise |
Dips | Upper chest |
Hard |
Compound exercise |
Dumbbell Bench Press | Chest training |
Medium |
Compound exercise |
Dumbbell Deadlift | Lower back |
Hard |
Compound exercise |
Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift | Lower back |
Hard |
Compound exercise |
Dumbbell Shoulder Press | Shoulder training |
Easy |
Isolation exercise |
Dumbbell Tricep Extension | Triceps training |
Easy |
Isolation exercise |
Flys | Middle chest |
Medium |
Isolation exercise |
Front Raise | Shoulder training |
Easy |
Isolation exercise |
Good Mornings | Lower back |
Hard |
Compound exercise |
Hammer Curls | Biceps training |
Easy |
Isolation exercise |
Hanging Knee Raise | Abs workout |
Hard |
Isolation exercise |
Hyperextension Side Bends | Abs workout |
Easy |
Isolation exercise |
Incline Barbell Press | Upper chest |
Easy |
Compound exercise |
Incline Bench Preacher Curls | Biceps training |
Medium |
Isolation exercise |
Incline Chest Press | Upper chest |
Easy |
Isolation exercise |
Incline Dumbbell Biceps Curls | Biceps training |
Medium |
Isolation exercise |
Incline Dumbbell Press | Upper chest |
Medium |
Compound exercise |
Incline Dumbell Row | Neck training |
Easy |
Compound exercise |
Inverted Row | Shoulder training |
Easy |
Compound exercise |
Kickbacks | Triceps training |
Easy |
Isolation exercise |
Knee Raise | Abs workout |
Medium |
Isolation exercise |
Lat Pulldown on the Machine | Upper back |
Easy |
Isolation exercise |
Lateral Raise | Shoulder training |
Easy |
Isolation exercise |
Leg Extensions | Thigh training |
Easy |
Isolation exercise |
Machine Fly | Middle chest |
Easy |
Isolation exercise |
Oblique Leg Raises | Abs workout |
Medium |
Isolation exercise |
Overhead Tricep Extension | Triceps training |
Medium |
Isolation exercise |
Preacher Curls | Biceps training |
Easy |
Isolation exercise |
Prone Incline Dumbell Shrug | Neck training |
Easy |
Isolation exercise |
Resistance Band Row | Shoulder training |
Easy |
Compound exercise |
Resistance Band Shrugs | Neck training |
Easy |
Isolation exercise |
Reverse Crunches | Abs workout |
Medium |
Isolation exercise |
Reversed Incline Bench Barbell Curls | Biceps training |
Easy |
Isolation exercise |
Romanian Deadlift | Lower back |
Hard |
Compound exercise |
Seated Back Extension | Lower back |
Easy |
Isolation exercise |
Seated Good Mornings | Lower back |
Hard |
Isolation exercise |
Seated Leg Press | Thigh training |
Easy |
Isolation exercise |
Shrugs | Neck training |
Easy |
Isolation exercise |
Side Bends | Abs workout |
Easy |
Isolation exercise |
Single Arm Dumbbell Row | Neck training |
Medium |
Isolation exercise |
Sit Ups | Abs workout |
Easy |
Isolation exercise |
Straight Arm Pulldown | Upper back |
Medium |
Isolation exercise |
Sumo Deadlift | Thigh training |
Hard |
Compound exercise |
T-Bar Row | Neck training |
Medium |
Compound exercise |
Upright Barbell Row | Shoulder training |
Hard |
Compound exercise |
Windshield Wipers | Abs workout |
Hard |
Isolation exercise |