
Flat benches or weight benches are crucial for any gym setup. You’ll find various types to choose from, but they generally fall into two categories: non-adjustable flat benches and adjustable weight benches.

As the name implies, a classic flat bench is flat and features a padded surface without any adjustable angles. It’s perfect for exercises like bench presses and many others (see below) that need a stable base for a secure seat.

On the other hand, an adjustable weight bench typically has two cushions, both of which can often be adjusted. This allows the flat bench to transform into an inclined bench or a decline bench.

When shopping for a flat bench for your home gym, the most crucial factor to consider is the maximum load capacity. Inexpensive weight benches often have a limit of 150 kg, which can be easily reached during exercises like bench presses. Ideally, you should look for a flat bench with a maximum load capacity of over 350 kg.

Working out with a flat bench

You can perform the following exercises with a flat bench.

Filter the exercises below by muscle group and difficulty.

Exercise Main muscle group Difficulty Type of training
Barbell Skull Crusher Triceps training


Isolation exercise
Barbell Step-Ups Thigh training


Compound exercise
Bench Dip Triceps training


Compound exercise
Bench Press Triceps training


Compound exercise
Close-Grip Bench Press Triceps training


Compound exercise
Dumbbell Bench Press Chest training


Compound exercise
Flys Middle chest


Isolation exercise
Hyperextension on the Bench Lower back


Isolation exercise
Pull-Over Chest training


Compound exercise
Seated Barbell Calf Raise Calves training


Isolation exercise
Seated Dumbbell Calf Raise Calves training


Isolation exercise
Seated Good Mornings Lower back


Isolation exercise
Single Arm Dumbbell Row Neck training


Isolation exercise
Step-Ups Sideways, with Dumbbells Thigh training


Compound exercise

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